WAIST FIT® Measuring tape for waist - Free

WAIST FIT® Measuring tape for waist - Free

Nekoposu Free Shipping
Price: ¥0
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We deliver from day: 2025/02/07 ~
(Shipping with Takkyubin except Hokkaido, Aomori, Akita and Okinawa)
See more delivery information by clicking here.
Product Code: WFIT

Special measure tape for pants and shorts.
Distribution free. Only 1 for person.

By (2015/02/26)
Olá Massumi, pode fazer o pedido aqui mesmo, clique em "COMPRAR". Prossiga com o fechamento do pedido, e como é gratuito o pagamento aparecerá "Pagamento desnecessário". O frete também é gratuito.
By (2015/02/26)
gostaria de receber a fita metrica como faco o pedido?
By (2015/01/30)
Olá Satie, pode fazer o pedido que enviamos a fita para você. A fita fornecemos gratuitamente, e o envio também.
By (2015/01/30)
Gostaria de ter uma cinta dessa, nao compro calça pela internet, por ficar com receio de errar as medidas e pelo transtorno depois de devolução!!!
By (2014/02/13)
Gostei da fita obrigada facilitou na escolha

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Delivery & Freight


[ Takkyubin ] ¥500~ (More details)
[ EMS ] Internacional Express Mail
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Delivery date & hours

The delivery date and hours can be chosen at only Takkyubin. The delivery time can be selected from the options below:
From 9 to 12h | 14h to 16h | 16h to 18h | 18h to 20h | 19h to 21h.


For your safety, our shop use SSL encryption system.



[ Payment on Delivery ] Fee ¥320
[ Credit Card ] All contries
[ Bank Transfer ] Japan only
[ PayPal ] Outside Japan
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Changes & Returs

We accept change and retur of any product that was not worn (only fit out is allowed) with the barcode tag, within 7 days after the product has been delivered. The freight must be paid by the customer.
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